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The National Assembly Session has been prorogued on Wednesday, the 10th July, 2024
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NA Speaker & Deputy Speaker felicitates Chinese people and government on the eve of new Chinese Lunar year

Saturday, 21st January, 2023

The  consistent progress and development in China ; a model to be followed by all nations Says NA Speaker
Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf and Deputy Speaker National Assembly Mr.Zahid Akram Durrani felicitates Chinese people and its government on the eve of new Chinese Lunar Year. In their separate messages they expressed their belief that Chinese would  continue to progress and develop owing  to their  national traits of hardwork and Commitment. They also resolved that Pakistan & China would  continue to cooperate in all socio- economic sectors   for mutual prosperity and development.
Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf  has expressed his confidence that Pak-China Friendship would not only  enable both countries to flourish and develop but regional progress also hinges upon  unbreakable ties between both countries. He said that successful completion of CPEC projects manifests willingness of both nations and their masses to cooperate for mutual benefit. He said that Chinese model of progress and development must be followed by all nations.
Deputy Speaker National Assembly Mr. Zahid Durrani has also felicitated Chinese nation on the eve of their new Lunar Year. He expressed his good wishes for progress and prosperity of Chinese people and hoped that New Chinese year would bring happiness, prosperity and progress in the lives of Chinese people. He also expressed his resolve that  Pak-China ties would be strong and cemented more than ever.